

Too often, I don't even offer chances to anyone or anything, I presume they don't want/need that chance to choose, so I take it all away. But I don't realize that by taking away their chances, I am selling myself short as well.


I have never lacked courage, not once. I have this enormous amount of courage that I don't ever know where I got it from. But I lack trust, the amount of courage I carry is the amount of trust I lack. I am daring enough to try, but cowardly lack of trust that there will be a positive result.

I ask before I do anything:

"Does it matter? Does it really matter?"

"What's the point?"


But today I am different, I want to give chances. I read my post on "Independence" ...

"and there will be a time that you reach the rim of growth that another person's existence turns vital to your growth."

I was talking about being independent, to learn to be by yourself because you're free to fully understand yourself but I also knew that there will be a point that you reach which you need another person in your life. And I feel like this is the moment.


I have to give you the chance to listen to me, if you want to be entwined with my emotions.
I have to give you the chance to reject me.
I have to give you the chance to ask me to let go/hold on.
I have to give you the chance to know how I feel.

And if I can't even give you a chance at all, how much of you do I even care for?

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