

This will be an extended post from my dayre - since I'm honestly intrigued by how people actually still visit this blog despite it being practically dead. Whether it's 100 views on 1 view, it's really amazing (lol)

I was mentioning on my dayre,

"I think you left pieces of you everywhere but never noticed how those seeds would start rooting deep into me. I did refrain from watering them – with memories, hope, love, reminiscing. Nevertheless, they were real strong ones. They toughed it out and stayed on, longer than I expected, longer than I wanted.

They are seedlings now.

How much more will they grow?"

 We don't always notice the things that would make an impact on us, only when they leave do we realize the gap they left behind.

They are now seedlings, should I remove them before they actually root deep into the soil?


Blogging things and then saving them as drafts seems to be my forte these days.

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