
de ja vu

I only write when I'm sad.

Only sad people write.

Only people who write are sad.

Not sure which sentence seems most apt for today.

Maybe you think that when I write these emotional things, that I am sad. That I should learn to be happy. I think I am embracing this part of myself, albeit openly - or not considering the steep decline of views on this blog.

But in any case, it feels like a safe spot for me.


I did something stupid a few days back. In hindsight, I should have not done that.

But considering the fact that the deed has been done, I think a form of reflection is necessary.

It was a moment of spur; an act of lion heart courage that came at night. But when it hit the morning, it felt like it was the worst decision I have made. Then again, might as well go ahead with it and potentially move on.

I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling what I feel but I should perhaps been more considerate of the other party's feelings when they receive what they received from me.

It was likely a shock and feeling of creepiness lol more than anything else.

Did I really expect a response? It was too heavy content for that.

I took 9 days to respond to bread boy's love letter.

Will 9 days be enough for my deed to have a resolution?


In the face of rejection, at least I tried. And the past 2 years didn't work out; neither did this time - but maybe it will eventually.

Most of all, and I shouldn't be saying this despite it all; I'm sorry if I made you felt uncomfortable.

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