
random thoughts

1. You can love someone in many ways that others cannot comprehend and as long as it makes you happy, continue doing it.

2. I am at the state whereby I feel that I want to be left alone - as long as what you are doing does not affect me then I'll mind my own business and you with yours.

3. I realized that reading books is really therapeutic considering the fact that you get immersed within it.

4. No I am not a good writer nor am I excellent in English so whatever I post here is just what comes to mind and I don't bother to correct it.

5. What goes on the internet stays on the internet even if you remove it.

6. "Then, too, although what I know is infinite, it is also true that what there is to know is infinite, and how can I be sure that both infinities are equal? The infinity of potential knowledge may be infinitely greater than the infinity of my actual knowledge. Here is a simple example: If I knew every one of the even integers, I would know an infinite number of items, and yet I would still not know a single odd integer" is my new perspective on looking at things. Although I am still trying to understand both TLA and TLQ.

7. Be straightforward and daring, because you don't know if the next moment your body just fails on you and you're gone. Shriveling to irrelevance.  

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