

 Okay so blogging about this topic is my way of procrastinating as well. It's just part of being human I guess? I have been doing so many things that I don't have to do now, just so I don't have to do what I need to do.

Let's have a checklist of the things that I'm supposed to do but am procrastinating to do:
1. Outline for my dissertation (that I clearly am going to struggle if I don't start NOW)
2. Tutorial 3 for class
3. Current module's project

Actually from the list of things to do, I think it's natural I would procrastinate... right? I mean, everything is about academics. (which btw I can handle tbh) But when everything is piling up, I feel like I am just going to die.

I basically wasted my precious Saturday doing nothing, and convincing myself it's okay because I am also sick (I think it's really just an excuse).

I hope after writing this and ending this post with a few pictures, I will start having my motivation to do the 3 above mention points.

Hopefully I will be this:

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